We remember our own roots as immigrants and are followers of a Savior whose family fled into exile. Our rule of life, set forth in our Constitutions, states:
As Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we must be open to all people because Jesus welcomed all and gave Himself for all. He showed a special predilection for the displaced, for “little ones” and for marginal peoples in His efforts to bring all to communion in the same God.
MSC Constitutions #17
Responding to the Gospel call for justice and love, honoring the Catholic Social Teachings on the dignity of all persons, and continuing the legacy of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Patroness of Immigrants, the Stella Maris Province of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus commits itself to:
- WELCOME as brothers and sisters all immigrants to the lands in which we are missioned.
- SUPPORT the rights of all persons to flee political, religious, or economic persecution; and support the basic human rights and dignity of all persons regarding: food, shelter, health care, employment at just wages, religious freedom and also honoring their customs and traditions.
- EDUCATE others and ourselves about the needs of immigrants.
- RE-EXAMINE political laws and regulations in the light of these justice issues and to work change those that do not meet human needs.
- WORK in solidarity with immigrants and with others who share our values and beliefs to promote justice and compassion for all immigrants.
For I was...a stranger and you welcomed me.” As people of the Covenant, we are mindful of our Biblical instructions: 'You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; have the same love for them as for ourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt.
(Leviticus 19:34)
- Work in our parishes and our neighborhoods with immigrants and for their concerns.
- Join in public statements regarding justice issues with other groups.
- Participate in demonstrations, prayer services etc., which promote the cause of immigrants.
- Initiate or join any individual action on behalf of justice for the immigrant.
- Distribute literature regarding the Corporate Stance.