Set amidst the backdrop of the MSC Spirituality Center in Codogno, Italy, where Mother Cabrini first opened her Institute, the vocation directors and vocation promotion team members from across the worldwide MSC Institute gathered last week with General Superior Sr. Maria Eliane Azevedo da Silva, MSC and General Councilors, Sr. Stella Maris Elena, MSC, Sr. Gilda Mendoza Argueta, MSC and Sr. Patricia Godoy, MSC to engage in discussion and planning for the vocation promotion initiatives throughout the Institute. They were assisted in the planning for the conference by Sr. Therese Merandi, MSC and Ms. Tatiana Paridiso of the Generalate.
With facilitators Fr. Fernando Falco, MSpS and Fr. Pablo Meza Pernas, MSpS, priests from the Misioneros de Espiritu Santo in Mexico, who are from an organization known as Cruces, the purpose of the gathering was “to offer planning methods and strategic thinking that would allow the participants responsible for vocations to acquire tools/elements to carry out their ministry in a more discerning manner and with better prospects of success.”
As an integral part of the process, participants considered the socio-cultural aspects currently impacting the ministry of vocation promotion. It was a most fruitful time of discussion, planning, prayer, and friendship steeped in the Cabrinian charism.
There was time for touring, too. On the last day of the conference, the group traveled to Sant’ Angelo Lodigiano, Mother Cabrini’s village, to tour her home, her school, and to attend Mass in the magnificent cathedral built in her honor. It was a meaningful culmination to the days spent together.