National Vocations Awareness Week – November 3-9, 2024
National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life through prayer, invitation, and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering these vocations.
The National Religious Vocations Conference (NRVC) provides insightful resources for those in vocation ministry and for those who are discerning a religious vocationThe new interactive vocation resource showcases today’s Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers, and priests, the Bold and Faithful Storymap: Meet Today’s Religious.
This storymap is designed for use by individuals considering a religious vocation and for parishes, campuses, and classrooms to promote vocations and connect those in religious life to everyday Catholics. Check it out!
Latin America Religious Urged to Continue ‘prophetic’ 65-year History
~ by Rhina Guidos, Global Sisters Report
Leaders from the largest group of women and men religious in Latin America and the Caribbean said in an April 18 meeting in Honduras that consecrated life in the Americas must keep calling out injustices, in light of events taking place in the hemisphere.
From persecution of church members in Latin America, as well as fighting for the growing numbers of the poor and excluded, consecrated life is “called to recover its prophetic voice,” Sr. Daniela Cannavina, general secretary of the Confederation of Latin American and Caribbean Religious (CLAR), said at the organization’s annual board meeting.
Speaking to some 60 general secretaries, presidents of religious conferences and theologians from Latin America and the Caribbean gathered at Honduras’ Catholic University campus in Las Tres Rosas, Cannavina told the women and men of CLAR’s board to pray and reflect on the organization’s richness of prophets.”That is why we wanted to put before you, images of some of the hundreds of prophets who irrigated our continent with their words and blood,” said the Capuchin Sister of Mother Rubatto, referring to a display of photos and renderings of women and men religious — as well as lay companions and diocesan priests — martyred in Central and South America in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The display, set in the middle of the room where the group gathered, included two Maryknolls and an Ursuline from the U.S. killed in El Salvador in 1980, several Jesuits, a U.S.-born member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur killed in Brazil in 2005, and an Augustinian Recollect missionary sister as well as a Salesian, killed for their defense of the poor or the environment.
turned 65 this year and represents 150,000 women and men religious. Company of Mary Sr. Liliana Franco, president of the organization, told the group that CLAR must be a continuation of their predecessors’ prophetic work, given the difficulties populations in Latin America and the Caribbean are facing, including corruption, political instability, massive migration, economic inequality, spiraling violence, persecution and climate change.
Even in that environment, women and men religious, like their predecessors, remain by the side of those who suffer most because of those conditions, Franco said.
Many of the women and men religious in the assembly were facing daunting conditions of their own at home or in the countries where they serve.
Those from Cuba spoke about food and fuel shortages making it difficult to carry out their missions, as well as the difficulty of Catholics practicing the faith amid limited religious freedom. Others spoke of crumbling social and economic conditions leading to an exodus of Catholics throughout Latin America.
But many also spoke to Global Sisters Report of the love of those they serve, largely the poor, the elderly, the excluded or forgotten, those who stay or have been left behind. To read the entire article, please click here
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sunday, April 21, 2024
On this 61st anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, also liturgically known as Good Shepherd Sunday, we are invited to pray for and promote all vocations. Initiated by Saint Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council in 1964, the purpose of this day is to help all of us respond to God’s call and to support in prayer all those who are discerning how to best respond to the needs of today in the vocation God calls them to be.
Many parishes and religious institutes commemorate this day by praying for vocations and supporting vocation promotion events. Considering that 73 percent of women and men professing final vows participated in one or more parish activities and 88 percent served in one or more parish ministries before entering religious life, our presence and participation in activities that mark this special day are essential.
Prayer is essential in all of our lives, join a global effort in praying for vocations on April 21, 2024!
Quotes from the NRVC Focus groups of newer entrants
who entered religious life from 2003-2018
“I think it was the 80-year-old Brothers, the wisdom figures of the community, that were always the first in the Chapel and the last at the dining room table. I would always try to get there before them and never could. They were always there, and you could count on them.”
“I’ve noticed in the last ten years that young people seem to have a deeper interest in spirituality and what is their purpose in life. I don’t know what brings that change about, I don’t know whether it is the Holy Spirit at work, which I’m assuming that it would be, but there does seem to be a different attitude.”
“What I find most rewarding is our truly deep desire to seek God together and what God is calling us to in this time and place. I also deeply appreciate our prayer that sustains us.”
“The most rewarding aspect of religious life is our community living. In community, we pray, live, recreate, and minister together. Our cohesiveness and sense of identity as religious serving others as ministers of the Gospel is wonderful!”
Prayer for Vocations
Cultivate within our hearts, minds, and spirits–our very selves–the disposition to fully live out our vocations, which have been planted in our hearts through our baptism,
And grant us the grace to say yes to our call daily, irrespective of how we may feel from moment to moment.
Let us know that we can come to You as we are, wherever we are, and as we accompany those discerning Your call. Help us to hear and
Listen to Your voice amid the various voices vying for our attention so that we may take the right actions that lead to abundant life.
Ignite in us a hope-filled passion for service, using our gifts to bring your Reign to fruition today and always.
Never let us forget that all we have are indeed gifts from You and that we are called to…
Give all we are and have in love and service to You in our sisters and brothers. Amen. ~ NRVC website
A Message from Sr. Yolanda Flores, MSC, Vocation Director, Guadalupe Province
From February 27 to March 1, 2024, I had the opportunity to visit Cabrini High School in New Orleans. It was a beautiful and motivating missionary experience. I was welcomed with great simplicity and human warmth by the staff and the students. The purpose of the visit and under the invitation of Principal Yvonne Hrapmann was to have an MSC Sister present to the different groups of students about the Cabrinian heritage, our presence in different missions in the world, and the invitation to make a commitment of service to God’s people when the time comes in their lives.
There were many questions and many clarifications to be made. In particular, on Friday, March 1, Career Day, my task was to speak to the young women about the different vocations. I was privileged to be part of a group formed by two other religious from other congregations and a lady whose commitment is the struggle for the dignity of the unborn, single mothers and all that this entails.
I want to emphasize how happy I was to be able to experience how the charism of Mother Cabrini is alive in the community of teachers and students. My admiration for all those who, from their lay commitment, carry out this mission of forming the new generations and as Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini used to say, “educating the heart” with values and sense for life.
I also appreciated the excellent coordination to help me see different sites and get an idea of the history of the city, its traditions and food. Different members of the staff took turns accompanying me, making me enjoy these days creating indelible memories.
Thank you, students, educational community, and our Provincial Superior for supporting me in creating connections with Cabrini High School. In my role as Director of Vocation Promotion, I have seen “an open window” to continue to bring the MSC presence to the Cabrini High School in New Orleans’ educational community.
Sr. Evarlyne Ndunge Ndeti to make First Profession of Vows
Sr. Evarlyne Ndunge Ndeti to make
First Profession of Vows
On Friday, February 2nd, on the World Day for Consecrated Life,
Sr. Evarlyne Ndeti will make her first profession of vows at the
Sacred Heart Convent in New York City.
Sr. Evarlyne shares her reflection on the eve of this blessed day:
“She becomes even more familiar with His life, His mission to all, and his very person. This period marks her formal introduction to religious life.”
~ MSC Constitutions pg. 77
In these two years of my novitiate, I have become well-versed in the life of a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC). Spending time with the holy scriptures, Church documents, our Constitutions and statutes, the writings of Mother Cabrini, and different spiritual books which I found meaningful has broadened my knowledge of Jesus’s life, mission, and his very person.
Engaging in both internal and external classes/workshops has exposed me to a better understanding of the MSCs’ charism, and spirituality of our Foundress; the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; community living; and the mission of loving God and His people. Journeying with other novices through the inter-congregational formation workshops has made it possible to learn from them. I have gained wisdom and created friends that I can talk with, pray for, and pray with as I continue embracing this beautiful life. I am forever grateful to Sister Genet Henok, MSC and the Formation Team for creating these meaningful opportunities.
The useful resources within the novitiate have brought the broader perspective of God and what it means to be His servant. This newly acquired knowledge has brought the fuller contemplation of how the Holy Spirit works in us all the time uniquely through our charism of bearing the Love of Christ in the World. Mother Cabrini’s letters to her daughters, particularly the individual ones, have been useful. I have enjoyed reading them and I must admit that despite them being more than 100 years old, I still found some of them relevant today.
Living in the novitiate community has taught me to appreciate, respect, and love my community members. This lived experience has brought me a fuller awareness of the importance of having a good relationship with God and others. This has taken place within and outside of the novitiate. Following my prayer life fervently, both personal and communal prayers, have changed my way of self-surrendering to God and letting His will be done. I have benefited from the personal space which the novitiate offered to let God speak to me and let me grow in all dimensions. This has contributed to letting go of the unnecessary things and letting God in my life. All the quiet evenings, monthly recollection, and annual retreats have meant a lot to me, and I am looking forward to continuing to enjoy these special moments.
Interacting with the young adults at the Church of Epiphany through the Alpha program has allowed me to share and become friends with all the participants. Sharing my own faith journey and listening to other people’s stories has supported my spiritual growth. Praying for and with others both at the Epiphany and at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Shrine has helped me to understand how important it is to be in union with others through prayer.
Cabrini’s writings, especially To the Ends of the Earth, have broadened my knowledge about the diverse ways of being a true missionary. I am eternally grateful for the mission experiences I had in both Dobbs Ferry, NY and in Cabrini Guatemala. These two wonderful missions brought the significance of understanding the mission with an open mind and heart of learning, loving, and enjoying what I am called to do. Through my mission experiences, I found these attributes, and that of being willing to learn from others. These three elements helped me in my two missions and in my novitiate journey as well. May God bless you, Sr. Evarlyne.
Everyone Has a Divine Vocation
“Jesus has a specific task in life for each and every one of us. Each one of us is handpicked, called by name by Jesus! There is no one among us who does not have a divine vocation! Some are called audibly by God, but the usual kind of call is internal, through the inner working of the Spirit.
~ Homily by Pope St. John Paul II
From the Guadalupe Province Vocation Promotion Team:
Our Vocational Ministry Team wishes to celebrate with each of our Update readers the Vocational Week that takes place from November 5 to 11, 2023.
Each member of the Vocation Promotion Team of Guadalupe Province has the task in their place of mission, to raise, welcome and accompany the different vocations, emphasizing vocations to consecrated life.
Our objective is to have the ability to provide the person who feels called, the space and time to make their itinerary of search and service to others giving meaning to their own existence. This Vocational Culture is a process to live the mission in and from the community to others. It will be a very strong and valuable gesture for the Church and the world, to pray for vocations to Religious Life. ~ Sr. Yolanda Flores, MSC
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”
National Vocation Awareness Week November 5 – 11
National Vocation Awareness Week
November 5 – 11
National Vocation Awareness Week, celebrated November 5-11, 2023, is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.
Observance of Vocation Awareness Week began in 1976 when the U.S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year for the celebration. In 2014, after extensive consultation, the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations moved the observance of National Vocation Awareness Week to November to engage Catholic schools and colleges more effectively in this effort.
For more information and resources please click here
Click on the link above to listen to the stories of those who are recently professed religious.
National Vocation Awareness Week
Please ask Our Lord for more dedicated priests, deacons, and consecrated women and men. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s gift of vocation:
BLESS young people with the gift of courage to respond to your call.
Open their hearts to great ideals, to great things.
INSPIRE all of your disciples to mutual love and giving—
for vocations blossom in the good soil of faithful people.
INSTILL those in religious life, parish ministries, and families
with the confidence and grace to invite others to embrace the bold and noble path of a life consecrated to you.
UNITE us to Jesus through prayer and sacrament,
so that we may cooperate with you in building your reign of mercy and truth, of justice and peace. Amen.
— Pope Francis
From the Province Vocation Team – Vocation Festival at St. John’s University
Today, Sr. Yolanda Flores, MSC, Vocation Director and Sr. Bezunesh Elias, novice, traveled to St. John’s University in Jamaica, New York to participate in the Vocation Festival being held there.
Sr. Yolanda and Sr. Bezunesh are sharing informational vocation materials on the Missionary Sisters, as well as, telling students about Cabrini Immigrant Services. They share the news of Mother Cabrini and her Sisters’ outreach to immigrants among the many of ministries of the MSCs
National Vocation Awareness Week
National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life through prayer, invitation, and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations. For social media posts, use #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek or #NVAW. Please avail yourself of the many resources NRVC offers to help promote NVAW in your community, parish, school, or campus ministry office.
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