Cabrini of Westchester celebrated the Feast Day of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on Friday, November 13th and included both staff and residents in the celebration. A Mass, with live music, took place in the St. Cabrini Nursing Home Chapel that was beautifully decorated with vases of purple and white flowers. Sr. Romualda Molon, MSC also included a striking figurine of Mother Cabrini that was hand painted in 1939 and a gorgeous violet plant that she lovingly tends to in the home’s convent among the décor for the altar.
Later in the day, Sheri Gottlieb and her dedicated Therapeutic Recreation Staff distributed ice cream cones to the residents as a special treat in honor of the Feast.
The staff was included in the celebration with the distribution of $10.00 gift certificates to Magnolia’s Café for each employee.
What a special day to honor such a truly extraordinary wom an: our patroness, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini!