The holy pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines, Illinois expected to draw hundreds of thousands of worshipers within the 24 hours from December 11 through December 12. In spite of cold and snow, this is the peak celebration for Hispanics from Chicago, but also from distant areas like Wisconsin, Indiana and Canada, walking long distances to the Shrine.
Approximately 3 miles from Cabrini Retreat Center, the Shrine is the most visited shrine in the United States, and second in the world to
the Shrine of Our Lady in Mexico City. It is the heart of Catholic Hispanic life in the Archdiocese.
In 1997, Msgr. Esteban Martinez, from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, blessed the grounds and poured soil from the Tepeyac of Mexico onto the New Tepeyac of America, which was authorized by the Basilica to be a site to satisfy mandas (promises) to Our Lady.
This year Cabrini Retreat Center hosted the current rector, Fr. Esequiel Sanchez, and his pilgrimage staff, who took special time out to spiritually prepare for the marathon of Masses, Reconciliation, spiritual talks and prayer that will take place in those sacred 24 hours.
The history of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe remains young and vibrant. Everyone is invited—pilgrims, visitors, families, friends, neighbors—to be part of this living story that proclaims the faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe.