Hosted by Dr. Nick Rademacher, on Wednesday, September 23rd, the Religious Studies Department of Cabrini University held a virtual conversation via Zoom with Brother Mickey McGrath on the history and contemporary relevance of Dark Madonnas in the Catholic artistic tradition. Dark Madonnas have been revered and venerated in the Catholic Church for many centuries. Many saints, including Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola, and Francis deSales made pilgrimages to the shrines of Dark Madonnas where they experienced spiritual healing and transformation. In recent years, there has been newfound interest and devotion to Mary the Dark Madonna in the face of rampant racism, war and violence, misogyny, the worldwide immigration crisis, and the devastation of creation and the environment.
Br. Mickey McGrath, Oblate of St. Francis deSales is an artist, writer, and speaker who loves to explore the relationship between art and faith. His work and ministry have been featured in the Saint Anthony Messenger, USA Today and many Catholic newspaper articles around the country.
The Zoom conversation was a follow-up to Brother Mickey’s exhibit in Cabrini University’s Gorevin Gallery held during the during the Spring 2020 in conjunction with the University’s Graphic Design and Fine Arts Department.