THE POPE’S highly anticipated encyclical on the environment boldly tells the world that we need each other and we need nature. Among the many calls to action within Laudato Si’ is the call for diaglogue: “The majority of people living on our planet profess to be believers. This should spur religions to dialogue among themselves for the sake of protecting nature, defending the poor, and building networks of respect and fraternity.
“Dialogue among the various sciences is likewise needed,” says Francis, “since each can tend to become enclosed in its own language. . . . An open and respectful dialogue is also needed between the various ecological movements, among which ideological conflicts are not infrequently encountered.
“The gravity of the ecological crisis demands that we all look to the common good, embarking on a path of dialogue which demands patience, self-discipline and generosity, always keeping in mind that “realities are greater than ideas.”