On Monday, October 9th, Cabrini Immigrant Services (CIS), Dobbs Ferry, NY held a Giving Back Program. Despite being off from school for Indigenous Day, some of our high school students gave up their late sleep to help make packets of toiletries for those in need.
We have been working with our asylum seekers who are residing in a neighboring town. They have been attending many of our programs that are held at CIS. Our students made 150 packets of toiletries for the adults and 25 packages of ‘goodies’ for the children. In addition, we made 150 packets of toiletries for a homeless shelter in Westchester County. Some of the adult packets included toothbrushes, toothpaste, handwarmers, hats, gloves, socks, hand sanitizers, etc. The children’s packets had crayons, coloring books, a stuffed animal, sticker books and animal crackers.
Thank you to the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation for allowing our students to give back to those in need.