Alleluia! – He is Risen!
Praise God everywhere on earth and in space.
All creation wildly applauds the Almighty One!
Praise God to the outermost edges of the universe and beyond.
Praise God, all you supernovas and supermarkets,
All you mosques and marketplaces,
All you cathedrals and cabarets,
All you temples and tennis courts.
Alleluia! – He is Risen!
Praise God with resounding symbols,
and with crashing markets.
Praise God, you powerful majestic pipe organs
and you New Orleans jazz
Praise God, you circus carousel calliopes,
and you castanet-clicking gypsy caravans.
Praise God all you with dancing feet,
and all you with walkers and canes.
Alleluia! – He is Risen!
Praise our Great God of Ten Thousand Names.
Praise God, all you holy saints in heaven.
Praise God, all you halo-less saints on earth.
Let everything that lives on the earth
and in the oceans and seas and space,
praise the LIFE that is and was and shall ever be.